In the world of early childhood education, the Reggio Emilia approach stands out as a beacon of innovation and inspiration.
Named after the small town in Italy where it originated, this unique pedagogical philosophy places children at the center of their own learning journey. Unlike traditional preschools, which often follow strict curricula and standardized testing, The Liberty School, inspired by Reggio Emilia philosophy, we foster creativity, curiosity, and a profound respect for a child's innate abilities.
Through a combination of art, nature, and collaborative exploration, this approach is revolutionizing the way we nurture young minds.
At the heart of the Reggio Emilia philosophy is the belief that children are natural scientists, artists, and storytellers. The Liberty School offers a preschool program that create an environment where each child's interests and questions are not just acknowledged but celebrated.
By valuing the process of learning over end results, children are encouraged to experiment, collaborate, and express themselves in a multitude of ways. Our preschool approach is a testament to the idea that early education should be a journey of discovery, where young learners are empowered to explore, imagine, and build a foundation for a lifetime of learning.
Our Reggio Emilia-inspired Preschool program is designed for 2.5 to 5-year-old. Our classrooms encourage children to use their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. At The Liberty School we focus on nurturing the children by supporting their interest and passions, helping them make choices and problem solving independently.
Preschool daycare Jersey City Reggio Emilia